Studio Visit — Nadine Fecht
"When, during our studio visit, Nadine Fecht asks “how can we co-exist together?” she speaks to the tension between the multitude and the individual, an internal perspective as opposed to the one projected from the outside. It’s the same question that guided ruangrupa in their curation of documenta fifteen last year but, in Fecht’s work, it is not a practical problem to be solved as much as an existential state with which one grapples. ..."
Feature by Dagmara Genda for Berlin Art Link (Apr 14, 2023)
link: en
Contemporary Drawing: The Underdog Who Ends Up Winning
A conversation with German conceptual artist Nadine Fecht about the oldest art medium still keeping up with the times.
INTERVIEW by Elina Ije for arterritory (June 27, 2019)
link: en
Text by Ludwig Seyfarth for seaweed magazine, Korea (2018)
link: de
link: en
Dr. Nadine Rottau about the series of drawings je / moi I-IV
published in the catalogue accompanying the exhibition "Kunst setzt Zeichen" at Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig, Sandstein Verlag 2018
link: S 156/157 (de)
by Juergen Dehm for artfridge, Berlin (Aug 28, 2014)
link: txt (de)
by Luisa Seipp for ARTINVESTOR 03/2015 (Apr 09, 2015)
link: facsimile
Nadine Fecht
monograph by Reinhard Ermen for KUNSTFORUM international 223, Zeichnen Zur Zeit VI (sept-oct 2013)
link: facsimile
link: txt (de)
Instabiles Denken
by Eric Wunder published in the catalogue accompanying the exhibition »Zeichnung als Haltung | drawing is attitude«, Einraumhaus c/o Verlag, 2013
link: Instabiles Denken
link: unstable thinking
Nadine Fecht
text about the work Jedes Kollektiv braucht eine Richtung by Julia Sedda
published in the catalogue System und Sinnlichkeit acompanying the exhibition at Kupferstichkabinett Berlin, Wienand Verlag 2013
link: S.30-33 (de)
Schwarmwirkung. Nadine Fecht weckt komplexe Assoziationen
portrait in KUNSTZEITUNG, Verlag Lindinger + Schmid, october 2014
link: quickread.jpg
Kultur:Stadt "3 questions to..."
the protagonists of the exhibition at Akademie der Künste Berlin 2013
Im Echoraum
Christiane Meixner, Tagesspiegel, February 18, 2012 (review of solo show)
Der knisternde Moment, bevor das Musikstück einsetzt
Ronald Berg, taz-die tageszeitung, February 18, 2012 (review of solo show)
Auf Linie
Christiane Meixner, Tagesspiegel, May 22, 2013 (review of group show)
Von Tieren, Menschen und der Weisheit der Vielen
Izabela Dabrowska-Diemert, Neues Deutschland, October 18, 2013 (review group show)
Der Rest ist Ordnung
Beate Scheder, taz - die tageszeitung, July 7, 2016 (review group show)
Rada Nastai, samizdat online magazine, September 7, 2017 (review group show Transaktionen at Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin